VSN Final CoverThe VStoreNews Archive

COLLECTED HERE for your interest and amusement are a selection of 38 VStoreNews, VSN TopLine and VStat editions published between 1998 and 2000. Note that the plain-text format of the early publications was deliberately crafted to suit the prevailing email and fax technology of the era. In Spring of 2000, our collaborators at Nexgenix migrated the e-letter to a slick printed format. (Click the cover to download.) It conveyed some provocative observations and predictions:

The inheritors of the future will not be the e-Retailing upstarts of the late 1990s.

They will be today’s visionary traditional retailers, who apply online business technique to establish new and higher standards for customer care atop their already formidable branding and merchandising foundations.

Stores will never become extinct. But make no mistake. In a few short years, all retailing will be e-Retailing.

- From "Broadband Merchants: When All Retailing is e-Retailing," VStoreNews, Spring 2000

Just this one glossy edition of VStoreNews was ever published, due mainly to changing business conditions.  It and the downloads available here exemplify VSN's mission to spread cogent analysis of an extraordinarily dynamic business transformation at the peak of the dot-com retail phenomenon.